An example of an empty room with common Victorian characteristics found in Maine - ready for interior designer Jennifer Sala to redesign it.

Work With Me

Ghostwriting a book on the feng shui theory of interior design completely took my lifelong interest in interior design and love of beautiful spaces to another level. I began to understand the subconscious holistic impact that our environment has on our physical, mental, and emotional health and even our ability to excel and grow. With this eye-opening understanding, I felt inspired to pursue this professionally.

My design style is classic, uplifting, and intentional as inspired by both Maine heritage and timeless principles of feng shui. I love bringing new life to historic homes and buildings.

Downeast Maine is full of luxurious legacy homes and perfect opportunities to make design magic for people and places alike. Equipped with principles of feng shui design, interior design education from New York Institute of Art & Design, a lifelong passion for creating beautiful feel-good spaces, reverence for historical styles and fine craftsmanship, and a healthy dose of perfectionism, I am ready to partner with you on making your space perfect.

The Winning Process

Because I dedicate so much to each client’s project, opportunities to work with me are limited - get in touch right away to work with me as soon as possible!

  • In our introductory meeting, we will discuss your project scope, personal style, design goals, and any vision you might already have for your project. We will discuss my process and handle any questions. If we both think this will be a good fit, we can go on to meet on site.

  • A walk-through of the project helps me to see the true condition of the space and better conceptualize ideas. From there, we will cover any questions or concerns and advance to the contract proposal phase if we still think we will make a good match.

  • Once we've determined we'd like to work together and the scope is established, I will draft a contract proposal so that all processes, expectations, costs, and timelines are laid out clearly. This important part of the process ensures that we are both on the same page and clear on the process going forward. This is how we set the project up for success.

  • Now the fun begins and the real design magic can happen! With all of the I's dotted and T's crossed, we begin to work on fleshing out the concept for each aspect of the project. One of the most exciting parts of any project is when I present the final conceptual design!

  • With an agreed-upon conceptual design, I will begin with the detailed design including purchase proposals. Here the vision emerges as realized and the design comes to life.

  • World-class products are the heart and soul of a world-class space and intentional design. You deserve nothing shy of the best, so I work to source the perfect pieces - even if they have to be custom built just for you - and reputable contractors for your budget, scope, and expectations.

  • This is where the space begins to shine and the vision for the new era of your home's legacy becomes tangible. The concept rises before our eyes and your space is finally transformed.

  • Just in case there are any last tweaks that need to be made, I will always account for time that might be spent reworking things that don't seem quite perfect or working with contractors to ensure that everything is just so for you.

  • This is what it is all about - the big reveal for the new era of your home's legacy. It is the most exciting and rewarding part of what I do; it is so much fun to experience this with my clients. Take time to let it set in, admire the details, and really revel in transformation.

Sound good?
Let’s revive your space.

Feng Shui Consultation

Feng Shui changes lives. Even small things about your home that don’t seem quite right can be remedied by feng shui - you might be surprised by the impact these seemingly small things (or big things) are having on your life over all. Feng Shui is a blessing! Click Here to Learn More!


Interior Design & Decorating

There is more that goes into a good design than just drafts and sketches. Full-service interior design takes your space from idea to reality. I work throughout the transformation period to ensure it is what you want and need and reflective of you.

Style Consultation

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration, am I right? With a passion for historic homes, I love to help people find a style and inspiration that works for them and their space while they do the rest. Helping with period designs is my favorite!

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Home should feel like home and reflect just exactly who you are, the places you've been (like Maine), and what you love (like Maine interior designer Jennifer Sala)



An old building is an artifect of enduring style, stories, and craftsmanship with its very own heart and soul open to receiving yours. Historic Preservation.
When you're building a room you're building character and character is the strength and wisdom of a home. In Maine.